

The dancers’ curriculum at PNSD Rosella Hightower aligns the connection between initial training and higher education with an equal focus on excellence, aiming for professionalisation.

Our wide artistic spectrum relies on the complementarity of both classical and contemporary techniques to train versatile dancers capable of adapting to the modern-day choreographic world.

Our main objective is professional integration with a strong emphasis on international openness. In order to achieve such an objective, PNSD Rosella Higtower has developed close and continuous links with the professional world regionally, nationally and internationally.

PNSD Rosella Hightower places great importance on the health of young dancers, integrating health considerations into its curriculum and infrastructure.

Higher Education Cycle – Higher National Diploma in Professional Dance Performance (DNSP) (Students aged 16 to 21)

More information (2024/25)

Its objective is to deepen the training of the dancer-performer, developing their artistic personal profile through mastery of the classical and contemporary techniques, alongside artistic and professional practice.

This 3-year cycle is founded on a comprehensive artistic training, enriched by artistic and theoretical contributions. It leads to both obtaining the DSNP Dancer Degree and Bachelor’s Degree Ingemedia from University of Toulon.

Students in their senior year can choose from two options, according to their professional project :

  • Joining a junior company (the Cannes Junior Ballet Rosella Hightower) where students finalise their training in real-life conditions
  • Entering into an apprenticeship with a schedule alternating between training at the PNSD and immersive practice in a professional dance company

The DNSP Dancer degree offers ERASMUS+ exchanges IN and OUT (Find out more)

STUDENTS : looking for a scholarship or accommodation ? Submit your request to the CROUS of Nice.

Pass rates for the Higher National Diploma in Professional Dance Performance over the past 5 years :

  • Year 2022-2023: 100 % in initial training class DNSP3 // 88.24% through apprenticeship
  • Year 2021-2022 : 100 % in initial training class DNSP3 // 92.30% through apprenticeship
  • Year 2020-2021 : 100 % in initial training class DNSP3 // 100% through apprenticeship
  • Year 2019-2020 : 100 % in initial training class DNSP3 // 72.72 % through apprenticeship
  • Year 2018-2019 : 100 % in initial training class DNSP3 // 87.50 % through apprenticeship