

JUNE 2024

DAP Festival

Our Rosella Hightower Young Ballet Cannes will be travelling to Pietrasanta, Italy, from 24 to 26 June for Danza in Arte a Pietrasanta (DAP), a unique dance festival where the performing arts, dance and music merge with the visual arts to create a new and engaging universal language.

Monday 24 June 2024:
‘Put yourself in someone else's shoes’ by Cannes Jeune Ballet Rosella Hightower, open-air promenade, Piazza XXIV Maggio - Marina di Pietrasanta, 9.30pm, free admission.

Tuesday 25 June 2024:
‘Amber’ by Lukas Timulak, ‘Terra’ by Didy Veldman, 'G/S<L' (Gently Sick Love) by Francesco Nappa, Cloister of Sant'Agostino, 9.30pm.

Further information

JULY 2024

JULY 2024

5-7 July 2024 : Participation of the Cannes Jeune Ballet Rosella Hightower in the ‘Danse à Milly’ Festival, in Milly-Lamartine.

16 July 2024 : Performance by the Cannes Jeune Ballet Rosella Hightower at the Théâtre du Nymphée, in Vaison la Romaine.

17-18 July 2024 : Participation of the Cannes Jeune Ballet Rosella Hightower in the Collioure Festival.