

As a non-profit organisation, PNSD Rosella Hightower relies on your support to offer the best to its students and expand its projects.

Your contribution, whether through the payment of apprenticeship tax, setting up philanthropic initiatives, forming partnerships or making a donation, enables PNSD Rosella Hightower to offer cutting-edge training programmes, to invest in modern facilities, to develop ambitious projects for its future dancers, such as school trips or performances, while giving students the means to build their professional paths.

Making a gesture to support PNSD Rosella Hightower also involves sharing and nurturing our values, and working together towards excellence in teaching in a benevolent environment, while supporting the mental and physical development of our students.

We are committed to transparency regarding the funds you entrust to us. Your generosity is handled with the utmost responsibility, and you will be regularly informed about the projects you sponsor and their progress.

Each of your contributions brings us closer to achieving our goals.


The apprenticeship tax is a way to shape the future of our community, investing in the education, training, and employability of our students and apprentices. By choosing to redistribute it to PSND Rosella Hightower, you are choosing to support quality educational initiatives and contribute to the training of the next generation of professional dancers.

Each business is required to pay the apprenticeship tax. Choose to allocate yours to PNSD Rosella Hightower by entering our SIRET number 824 547 145 00022 on the SOLTEA platform.


We believe in the power of community engagement and altruism to make a positive impact in the world.

Philanthropy is more than an act of generosity. It is a partnership that fosters change, growth and innovation. Thanks to your support, we have the opportunity to fulfill our most ambitious projects and train tomorrow’s dancers.

Become a patron or partner and be a catalyst for change !

Current sponsorship: CASINO 3.14

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If you share our vision and passion, you can support us by making a donation, whether it’s a financial donation or an in-kind donation. Every gesture counts.

By granting a 66 % tax relief, each contribution supports investment in modernisation, education, health, the environment or any other cause that is close to our hearts. Your contribution helps us make a difference and create a positive impact.

Make a donation