
of prior experiential learning (V.A.E)

Obtain the National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance through the accreditation of prior experiential learning.

The accreditation of prior experiential learning is defined in law L-2002-73 of January 17, 2002, which grants “every person engaged in active life the right to have their experience, particularly professional experience, validated in order to obtain a diploma, a professional qualification title, or a certificate of qualification (…) registered in the directory of professional certifications…”

  • You can initiate a process of accreditation of prior experiential learning with the PNSD to obtain the National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance. 
  • The PNSD does not offer the VAE for obtaining the State Diploma for dance teachers. More information

Download the V.A.E prices

A national reform of the accreditation of prior experiential learning (VAE) procedure for all professions is underway. A unified space, France VAE, bringing together candidates and VAE professionals around a new modernized, simplified, and legally secured framework (law n°2022-1598 of December 21, 2022) is now available. Due to its gradual rollout, not all diplomas are yet covered by France VAE.
Learn more :

The diplomas that are not yet integrated, including the National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance from the Ministry of Culture, will continue to be processed by institutions at least until December 2024.

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is opening a new VAE procedure for the 2024-25 academic year.

Download the scheduled

Schedule for the 2024-2025 VAE session

November 30, 2024: Deadline for submitting Booklet 1 (application for eligibility) available for download starting October 7, 2024: link to the eligibility application
May 15, 2025: Deadline for submitting Booklet 2 (validation of acquired experience application) : Download the file for the validation of prior learning.
July 10, 2025: Interview with the jury

What is VAE?

Who can initiate a VAE process?

This process allows individuals to obtain all or part of a certification based on professional experience as an employee, self-employed, volunteer (union, association...), and/or through voluntary work. The candidate must demonstrate that their experience has enabled them to develop and master the skills required for the targeted diploma.

The National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance can thus be obtained through initial and continuing education or via VAE, as stipulated in the decree of December 23, 2008, concerning the National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance and setting the conditions for the accreditation of higher education institutions to award this diploma.

Anyone, regardless of age, nationality, status, or level of education, who can demonstrate acquired skills through continuous or non-continuous engagement in salaried, self-employed, volunteer, or community service activities, in alignment with the activities and skills defined by the reference framework in the relevant discipline, field, and option.

- Employees, regardless of their status: permanent contracts (CDI), fixed-term contracts (CDD), temporary workers
- Self-employed individuals: members of a liberal profession, agricultural operators, artisans, merchants, independent workers
- Public agents, whether permanent or non-permanent
- Job seekers, whether receiving benefits or not
- Volunteers with experience in associations or unions

The procedure for validating acquired experience and the evaluation methods are outlined in Article R6412-1, Version en vigueur depuis le 29 décembre 2023, Modifié par Décret n°2023-1275 du 27 décembre 2023 - art. 2

Which diploma?

The PNSD Rosella Hightower offers a VAE procedure leading to the National Higher Professional Diploma in Dance for the disciplines for which it is accredited: classical and contemporary.

How does it work?

1. The candidate reviews the information available on the PNSD website.
2. The candidate completes the eligibility application and submits it along with supporting documents by December 1, 2024, inclusive. The candidate pays a fee of €92 for the eligibility request.
3. Within a maximum of 2 months, the candidate receives notification of eligibility or ineligibility. If eligible, the candidate must confirm their intention to continue the VAE process by February 13, 2025, using the form attached to the eligibility notification, along with the corresponding payment (without funding: €400, with funding: €800) made out to the PNSD or proof of funding from one or more potential employers, CPF, or an OCPO (Uniformation, AFDAS, etc.).
4. The candidate prepares the presentation of acquired experience (Booklet 2) and submits it to the PNSD by May 15, 2025, at the latest (postmark as proof).
5. The candidate attends an interview with the jury on July 10, 2025 (date subject to change).

What is the DNSP dancer?

The DNSP Dancer certifies the acquisition of general and professional knowledge and skills corresponding to the practice of the profession of dancer. The DNSP is registered in the National Professional Certifications Register (RNCP) as a diploma at the Bac+3 level (level II).

For more information about the VAE process:


Success Rate for the Validation of Acquired Experience in Obtaining the DNSP Dancer over the Last 6 Years:

Year 2024
Total Validation: 50% (2 candidates in total)
Partial Validation: 50%

Year 2023
Total Validation: 100% (4 candidates)

Year 2022
Total Validation: 100% (9 candidates)

Year 2021
Total Validation: 83.3%
Partial Validation: 16.7%

Year 2020
Total Validation: 100%

Year 2019
Total Validation: 100%

Satisfaction Rate: 59 trainees from the continuing education program trained in 2021-22 at PNSD Rosella Hightower, with an overall satisfaction rate of 84.60%.

PNSD Rosella Hightower is attentive to any specific requests in cases of disability to facilitate your participation in our training programs.

Contact the Disability Coordinator.